Tag: 2012-10

  • How to Decorate a Halloween Mantel With Thrifted Finds

    Thank you so much for all of your sweet comments about my Spooky October Mantel. I’m so thrilled to share that my mantel was also featured on The Inspired Room and Carter’s Cottage! Thank you, ladies! Now, I’d like to say that I had a grand plan and knew exactly what I was going to…

  • Spooky October Mantel With Barns, Pumpkins and Cats

    Remember this summer, how I pretended my piano was a mantel, and decorated it with a big ol’ faux vintage door on there was one that Mr. Magpie built for me? Well, when we decided to turn the living room into a study, we created one little  eeny-weeny problem. (Dun dun DUUUUUUN…) The piano has…

  • How to Rub’n’Buff Raised Letters or Numbers

    So, when I told you about my thrifted mantel clock makeover, I may have left out one little thing. I had a little mini-fail right in the middle of the project. I’ve never used Rub’N’Buff before, and when painting the little raised numbers on the clock face, it all went wrong. Not once, but twice!!!…

  • How to Take Apart a Battery Clock Movement

    Yesterday when I told you about my thrifted mantel clock makeover, I mentioned that I disassembled the “clock part” so that I could sand and paint the clock, and I thought that you might be interested in exactly how I did that. So, technically, the part of the clock that makes it go is called…

  • How to Makeover a Thrifted Mantel Clock

    Over the summer I did a fair bit of thrifting and yard saleing, but I was too busy to do anything with all my finds. I didn’t even photograph most of them! Now that the harvest season business is settling down, and I find myself with little bits of time when I’m not frantically picking,…