Tag: Garden-Structures

  • Choosing the Right Arbor for a Front Garden Entry

    Selecting An Entry Arbor Like all of you, sometimes I have a hard time figuring out why something isn’t working. Though I never lack for opinions on other people’s spaces, often in my own home & garden I have to feel my way toward the solution. Case in point: the entry arbor from Valentine Cottage.…

  • Cottage Garden Classics: White Picket Fences

    Cottage Classics White Picket Fence via cottagemagpie.com Cottage Classics White Picket Fence via cottagemagpie.com Cottage gardens are romantic affairs, with blowsy perennials, free-wheeling self-seeders and rambling vines, all smothered in a confectionery of blooms. They’re lovely, and my absolute favorite type of garden, but they have one caveat. They require structures. With all those rambling,…