Top 5 Favorite Inspiring Girl’s Bedrooms


Do you ever start out thinking you’re going to decorate a room one way, and then realize halfway in that you’re totally not? That happens to me a lot. I’m cruising along, making decisions, buying things, making things, and screeeeech… All of a sudden I realize I’m doing the wrong room!

This time, working on my daughter’s room, I thought I’d try gathering up some inspiration photos first, so I’d have a better idea of what I was doing. And you know what? Something happened! I was going along, collecting pictures, and amassing this big collection of photos that “spoke to me” and then screeeeech…. I realized, I wasn’t picking photos that were best for HER, I was picking photos that were best for ME.

I know a lot of you are saying, “well, duh, Angela”, but it was like this life changing realization for me! To connect with the person who’s going to live there, you know, and really feel them and their needs… (even if that person is me, when it’s my room)… it’s just brilliant! Now, all the wondering and guessing — it’s gone. I feel like I just KNOW what’s right for the room.

Well, with lots and lots of brilliant examples from the Internet, of course! 🙂

So, when I started, I really thought I would make a room that was sweet (but not too) and had lovely traditional touches, floral bedding. Something like this lovely room from Cynthia over at An Accomplished Woman:

(One quick note: each of these pictures came from a way talented blogger who very graciously gave me permission to share their pictures with you. I hope you’ll visit them all because they’re all, seriously, fantastic.)

Don’t you just love the dollhouse? I’m seriously wanting to build a doll house. I don’t know why. It’s just come out of nowhere. But anyway, I love that room. I was thinking something like that.

I could envision it, too, with a fairy-tale quality and some romantic bedding. Something like this gorgeous room from Nikki at Grand Design Co. Oh, man, couldn’t you just imagine yourself in this room with the birds chirping and the forest out your window?

Plus, see that adorable green stool there by the bed? I love that. The bedding just makes me gasp every time, too, all romantic and soft.

So like that, I was thinking I’d made a room like those two.

But as much as I want it to be that way, Baby Girl just isn’t that person. I can’t see her in a room like that and I just can’t bring myself to do it. My girl loves bright colors. She loves RED, and PURPLE and YELLOW and TEAL and anything cheery and vibrant just like her. She’s a ray of sunshine, she is.


So I’m thinking that a room that’s really her might look more like this adorable room from Becky at Sweet Cottage Dreams:

Isn’t it cute? And cheery? I love all the pillows and the bright, cheery bedskirt. So cute!

I also think she’d want some eclectic pillows and some vintage fabrics, something like the ones Ashley from Under the Sycamore put in her very creative room:

Can you see the eclectic pillows and the addition of the yellow and teal into the mix? I just love the yo-yo pillow, I am definitely going to have to make one of those.

Oh yes, and one other thing we have to have. Quilts. And hand-embroidered vintage pillowcases. And polka dots. It’s required. When you’re talking about Baby Girl, polka dots are definitely required. Definitely polka dots like Tina from Cherry Hill Cottage has in her cheery, adorable room with the (gasp) perfect polka-dotted sheets:

Plus, did you notice the Grandmother’s Flower Garden quilt at the foot of the bed, or the vintage hand-embroidered pillowcases? Sigh. Just adorable.

So. That’s what my girl needs for room, don’t’cha think? I’ll just have to save the romantic fairy-tale business for MY room. Heh.

Aaaaaand, I’ve already been pulling fabrics from my stash and starting some sewing. We’ve been gifted a big, bouncy bed to include and things are just moving right along. Next up, I’ll share some sneak peeks of fabrics and projects in process.

Meanwhile, what about you? What would you include in a little girl’s room?


P.S. Thank you, all you lovely ladies, for giving me your gracious permission to share your rooms with my readers. I hope they all love them as much as I do and come visit and see more! You are all so talented!

Thanks again to: Ashley from Under the Sycamore (Her Bedroom) Becky from Sweet Cottage Dreams (Her Guest Room) Cynthia from An Accomplished Woman (Her Guest Room) Nikki from Grand Design Co (Her Daughter’s Room) Tina from Cherry Hill Cottage (Her Bedroom)

Love, Angela



13 responses to “Top 5 Favorite Inspiring Girl’s Bedrooms”

  1. I love the You and me idea…Fun…Beautiful post as always…:) Hi, I’m Meme for Screaming Meme. I wanted to personally invite you to my Giveaway Series. My first giveaway is beautiful slipcover. If you get the chance stop in and remember to check back and see what I am giving away next. 🙂 Hope to you see there!

  2. Loving all the inspiration… I check in when you post but am a lousy commentor. Thanks for the comment on my blog.. use the photo if you like!xop

  3. Angela, I love it that you are considering every element into your daughter’s room! I just know that the finished room will be one filled with LOVE and a great depth of creativity- from the heart. I loved seeing the rooms that you shared and thank you for including our guest bedroom, too.Have a blast decorating!!!!!xxooBecky

  4. Hola Angela, all these rooms are really lovely and yes, maybe your daughter has a completely different idea of her dreamed room.I will visit all the ladies you mentioned.I have no doubt you will make a fantastic room for your daughter and she will love it.hugs

  5. I’m glad you’re going to go with what is right for the kiddo- I like the inspiration with all the red. Plus you can make a very colorful quilt for her with the fabrics you have on hand. She really does seem like a bold color gal.

  6. I love your inspiration! And you are so right about collecting ideas before dreaming. I often have to refer back to my inspiration and think oh yeah, why did I not look at this first before putting this all up and hating it!I think it is great that you had an ah-ha moment about considering what your daughter wants. I see so many beautiful kids rooms these days but when I think back to my childhood my mom let me decorate however I wanted. Looking back now, it was all quite horrible but I connect so much of my design sense to when I was a child and had the freedom to have an opinion of what I wanted MY room to look like. You are doing a good thing! 🙂

  7. Okay, busy week on my part. I love all your photos and feel honored that you have included me in your collection. Thanks so much.Can’t wait to see what you do!!!Cynthia

  8. Oh wow, I love all these bedrooms! So pretty and feminine.

  9. Oh my goodness, I would have recognized Becky’s and Tina’s rooms anywhere! Because I’m one of those bright red and cheerful polka dotted kind of gals. Yay for the red and white and cheerful!Brenda

  10. Hi Angela! GORGEOUS inspiration rooms! My heart really skipped a beat at the Cottage Sweet Cottage room with those stitched samplers/cottages! Oh my gosh, I could move into that room and live happily ever after!Thanks for your kind comments about our little cottage. You asked about the throws that I use on my wing chairs. For me, the trick is to use oversized spreads (usually king size) and tuck, tuck, tuck!!! If they’re too small, they just come apart sooooooooo easily. No fun. hahaAgain, loving the inspiration rooms!Donna

  11. Greetings, Angela! I don’t know if you will remember me… I haven’t visited for so long! For some reason, I could never get to your blog. I always got an error. I just now was able to get to it from someone else’s blog when I saw you on their sidebar. So how have you been? I will have to see if you’ve done anything new to your outside or living room and kitchen, as you were hoping to do a few months ago. I will go over your older posts to see. Well, I hope all has been well with you and your family. Love these girl’s rooms you’ve shown here. I’m sure your little one’s will come out great. I will visit again soon!Best,Gloria

  12. Marianne Avatar

    “Cottage sweet cottage!” How absolutely adorable. All of these are so cute. Thanks for sharing your inspiration with the world!

  13. This post made me think about my own childhood rooms. *shudder* The problem i remember was that i changed so quickly. one minute i was all ruffles and laura ashley and dollhouses and the next i wanted horrible sleek white 80’s modern.Right now i like the you and me room the best. aLthough, the chicken wire makes me nervous, in my house that would get full of cat hair and dust like instantly an then it would be impossible to clean.

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