Dear Angela: Emily’s Bedroom
Emilys Bedroom Before
Earlier today, a reader and bloggy friend Emily from Remodeling This Life, sent me an e-mail, asking for help with her bedroom. Of course, I have ideas. I have lots of ideas. I can’t promise that the ideas are good ideas, but there are plenty of them. So, I was rattling off these ideas in e-mail when it occurred to me that a picture might be better. And then it occurred to me that you all might be interested in seeing what I came up with and Emily might appreciate getting suggestions from people other than just me. So with Emily’s very kind permission, here’s how it all went: Emily’s bedroom, as it is now.
Emilys Bedroom After
Dear Angela, I got the red and white toile bedding I wanted for Christmas, but I am having a total creative decorating block. I am actually thinking of attempting a big monogram above the bed like this. I’d never pay for it but I don’t see why I can’t attempt to do it myself. I’d love any suggestions as I really just don’t know what to do with my walls, lamps, valances, etc… to finish off the room. I think I’m just worn out and sluggish from the holidays and don’t have the energy for it right now. And remember, I’m frugal! ~Emily Emily’s bedroom, after Photoshop
Dear Emily, I LOVE your bedding! And I love your frugality. I think that your bedroom has such a beautiful color and nice bones that I think you just need some curtains and a few accessories to finish it off. First I would suggest centering your bed between the windows. I think the monogram is a fantastic idea–you could even do it with a $1.00 bottle of craft paint. If it doesn’t turn out, paint it out and get some cute plates at the thrift store. For curtains, I think a French-inspired ticking stripe. with a simple valance or soft roman shade is the trick, and I would hang them as high as you can get them. On the bed, I would add a couple of big cream or white euros and a red floral rectangular pillow in front. Maybe a matlasse spread folded across the bottom. Then, you just need some accessories on the side tables, all of which you could find at a thrift store. Maybe a short stack of books, a vintage clock or a bud vase with flowers or foliage from the yard. I’ve made a picture that kind of conveys what I mean (sans accessories). It’s rough, but it gives the idea. What do you think? Best,
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