IKEA Cottage Style Craft Room Ideas


This weekend, at IKEA I was struck by this craft room display. It’s highly efficient, yet very charming. I also noticed that three primary elements match what I tend to like in my own studios. Do all successful creative work spaces include these?

1. Counter-Height Work Space For projects or tasks suited to standing up: cutting, designing, ironing, wrapping or similar. Here, standard kitchen cabinetry is topped with butcher block and backed with easy-access wall-mounted storage for crafting tools.

To the right, an upper bank of glass-front cabinets provides a combination of display and storage, while under-cabinet lights add task lighting. Every space is used, including wall-mounted poles for ribbons and papers.

2. Desk This is most commonly a computer desk, though it could also be a drafting or writing desk. Though charming, regular tables are too tall (about 30″) for ergonomic comfort. Modern desks are usually in the 27″-29″ range. Here, the desk also uses a very small footprint, leaving space for a bookshelf.

3. Table-Height Work Surface For tasks suited to sitting: studying, gluing, sewing or similar. Some forgo this space for additional countertop, but I prefer to have both, as sitting gives me added control over certain tasks like sewing. Here, a dining table and chandelier create a lovely spot to review the latest magazines, have meetings, or just craft with a family member.

My own studio space could use some improvement. I have had only two surfaces: a table on blocks for counter-height and a regular table for dual duty computer desk and sewing. Neither is ideal, and the desk table is taking up too much room. I also have no bookshelves (the shelves above my desk/table aren’t rated for books). Now that I am adding cabinetry, I can remedy this. And, naturally, I would love a chandelier. I’d like to have one in every room of my home! What about you? What does your creative space look like? What works best about it, and what would you improve? If you have pictures on your blog, include a link so we can all see!

Love, Angela



38 responses to “IKEA Cottage Style Craft Room Ideas”

  1. Hello Angela!Which a nice post with delicate pictures. Really inspiring! Especially then I´m right on time to begin changes both in the kitchen and in the combined washing- and sewingroom. It will become with products mainly from Ikea. I can mention that the very first IKEA-store both in Sweden and in the entire world lies in Älmhult only 40 km from here…! :)I will try to document, tell you about and show the changes in my blogg Annalunda… but it will take time……To next time/ Annie

  2. I never really looked into IKEA before but these fixtures are fantastic. This is a really good looking and organized set up.I purchased most of my storage fixtures from scapbook stores in my area that closed.My craftspace is on one side of my basement but I my ultimate goals is to one day claim the entire basement as my own. Of course that idea is not going over very well with my husband and kids. I’ll have to keep working on them in 2008.Great pictures Angela and always a pleasure to see what you come up with.Have a great week!

  3. The Feathered Nest (Manuela's) Avatar
    The Feathered Nest (Manuela’s)

    I love Ikea! I know some people think the quality isn’t very good but I’ve never had a problem and I’ve had some things from them for years and years. Loved the pictures!I don’t have space for all those tables and counters. I have an area in my family room (which also is our exercise room, tv room and my husband office) with a table and two bookcases. My next big project is that room!Manuela

  4. Hi Angela, isn’t that a fantastic work space, looks like the perfect studio to us! How much creating would we all get done if we all had one like that!! Ours is a little haphazard, mostly done on the dining table! Jenn and Jacqui

  5. How funny that you posted this today! I have been searching online for photos of craft rooms for ideas. I even had a friend at nottheplan.blogspot.com post hers for me so I could get some inspiration. And of course yours that you’ve shown here before is lovely. Thanks for sharing these ideas!

  6. yolanda elizabet Avatar
    yolanda elizabet

    Angela, it is good to see that you are figuring things out on your own already but I hope you can enroll in a interior design course not too far away from where you live as this, ergonomics, is one of the important things you will learn there.The height of the working space varies of course, depending on whether you’re standing up(and how tall you are) or sitting down. I think a table is a must, both in the kitchen and in a creative space as some things are better done sitting down.I have an Ikea kitchen because I like them so much. Very practical, hard wearing, good looking, flexible and the service they provide is great.The kitchen in your post I have in my utillity room.In my creative space I have the wooden kitchen counter from Ikea and it is over 4 meters long, from wall to wall right under the windows. It’s 70 cm high, the normal height of a dining table. The rest of the wall space is covered from ceiling to floor in bookcases (Billy, white, with glass doors, also from Ikea).Yep, I like Ikea. 🙂

  7. Angela, What a great space,I have never seen a craft room display at Ikea. Mine is a make-do, mish-mash I’m afraid. It has things I love and things that I put up with. I actually tidied today for the computer man to come, maybe I’ll get some pics tomorrow.

  8. Anglea, ok what a can of worms you have opend. I have the ugly truth of my messy space posted on my site. I am challenging you to take it on as your next project. I tried to point out what is working for me. what isn’t working is obvious. Thanks, you really got me thinking and I was already starting to head down this road anyway, as you will see on my post. By the way, I still need to learn how to make pillows!!!!!

  9. Hi Miss Magpie,We are going with the ikea kitchen for the beach house. There is a coffee shop in pac bch that opened not too long ago and they installed a few of the white “beadboard” look cabinets in the workspace and they are very nice. I am hoping that if they can withstand the everyday grind of the coffee shop that they will be able to survive a beach house retreat. I will keep you updated about them. Never been to Ikea before and am really excited to visit a store, (one in Seattle) I hear its a real experience.Lisacoastal nest

  10. I need something like that! I will be trying to revamp my studio in a couple of months to get it out of this bla bla bla look and into a morefun, relaxing studio!Ellen

  11. I have a home office I spend my days in. Given the chance to design my space, I went all out.Desks are counter height (I like to think of it as bar height.) I have a unique “U” shaped desk (the command center) that accommodates phone, two printers, scanner, computer workstation, open area for meeting & laying out work, and a fax. It is formica counter top supported by cabinets on one side and antique drafting table legs on the other. There’s a wall of mission-style Home Depot oak cabinetry, including a three-drawer file cabinet in the same materials.The rest of the office is a sofa, leather chairs, side tables and coffee table that transform into a guest room when needed.Floor lamps, pendant lights, table lamps – all from Ikea!I’ll never work in a cubicle again.

  12. Wow. Just, wow. I just wanted a small buffet to put behind my desk for my printer. Whew, this puts things on a whole other level. 🙂

  13. Looks wonderful–definitely something to aspire to! I’d love to have cabinets in my new studio but the room is just too small…you’ve always got such inspiring photos!

  14. You know, I never think of Ikea for so many things but really, they offer eveything! This room makes you want to just dig right in!Tara

  15. Hubba, hubba, hubba. I love that room. Bless you for getting those pictures. I’m afraid by the time I get myself to an Ikea it will cost Sweet Hubby big bucks. I’m going to save all these pics to my inspiration file.

  16. Hi Angela,Upon further inspection of those photos you took at Ikea, the white cabinets are the same exact ones we are going to install! this is a hoot, to see them in “kind of” real life, thank you soo much! They do look real good. When you were there, I am sure you got touchy feely, what did you think of how they opened and closed, ect? This chopping block top was what I was also mulling about, but really wanted to make the treck to again, get touchy feely.Did you go to Seattle? Is there one in Ptland?I am excited to learn more. email me, dear girlfriend, I want to pick that beautiful brain of yours!!Lisacoastal nest

  17. Ohh – I love the gift wrapping station! That is too cool!!

  18. I love that craft room, Angela! It’s so beautiful.As a Christmas present for me my husband painted my sewing room and added shelves around the top of the room. I haven’t finished getting it organzied, but as soon as I do I will post pictures.

  19. I love that! I am looking for ideas for a craft room/laundry room for the home we are going to build. Thanks!

  20. Hi Angela Hope you had a great day today. That room is pretty nice. All I have in my studio is a counter height table for cutting my fabric and a regular size table which I put my sewing machine on. I’d like to have another counter height one to use for ironing and just having more room to spread my fabric out. I have lots of closet space too but the shelves are too far apart and too deep. The room is not very efficient but it is a good size and nice and bright. Our computer is a laptop so it goes anywhere. Rhondi

  21. I don’t think I could work in a room like that, I have to have lots of color and art around me all the time, or else I feel naked! Ikea does have lots of great options for cupboards and cabinets, though. I dream of having a cutting table for my sewing, but I just don’t have the room for it. Alas!

  22. Hi Angela!You make my day! A gift for you at Annalunda!Annie

  23. Hi Angela. Just stopping by to say hello and tell you I was thinking of you. Hope your day went well. Sending smiles and hugs. Rhondi

  24. Oh dear…oh my…what a lovely space. Angela, now I know your space is going to be wonderful once you transform it, I just know it. So, I’ll stay tuned! Love that space. I don’t have a craft room, and our office is a horrible mess…I would not dare take pictures – ha!Hugs,Rose

  25. This is great! I wish I had an entire room just for crafts and projects.

  26. Oh my! What a DREAM of a craft room.I have my eye on a couple of pieces at Pottery Barn. The have a desk top that sits on a base of 2 file cabinets and a Project table that I really want!Thanks for the inspiring photos!Kimberly 🙂

  27. I would LOVE to have a craft room. But wait. Would that mean I would have to do crafts?–Robin (Bumblebee)

  28. Ok, first, Ikea ROCKS!! That room ROCKS!!! Wisconsin doesn’t have an Ikea…what the heck! Thanks for the inspiration, tho. 🙂

  29. I really want to redo my craft space. My husband would flip!

  30. Ohhh, I want one! Have to save that one for the wish list…..

  31. The Lazy Organizer Avatar
    The Lazy Organizer

    Thanks for the photos! I have been planning my studio in my head for two years and it looks just like that! Now that we have a new Ikea in town we have just finished our pantry and the studio is next. I can’t wait to get it so organized!

  32. Michele Avatar

    What a fabulous craft room!! Drool, drool….LOL!!! ONe can dream….Micheleluvkittysmeowmail@gmail.com

  33. Hi,I just cleaned out a room to turn into my craft/office/sanctuary room. I want it to be peaceful and fun. I love your ideas and will definitely look at IKEA. I just love that store. I hope I can do it fairly inexpensively so I will have something leftover to buy craft items. Who knows when I go thru my things I may not have to buy much. I’ll be able to find things.Thanks,Margaret

  34. Jen @ Mommay's Mayhem Avatar
    Jen @ Mommay’s Mayhem

    Just came across this today. I love this setup! I’m printing all the pictures so I can show them to dh and beg for him to help me do something like this in my craft room! =))

  35. My dream room. Some day, right??? I love it.

  36. I’m completely speechless! If I weren’t completely speechless I would probably say something like– UH, WOW!! Beautiful!!http://www.theoriginalscrapbox.com also has beautiful crafting furniture.Love love love your craft room!!! :)*I just took the time to re-read the bottom and realized this wasn’t your actual craft room haha…but still…it’s gorgeous!

  37. Your craft room is exactly what I need. Plenty of work areas, storage and decoration. Perfect.Happy 4th!!Hugs,Janhttp://fortheloveofacottage.blogspot.com/For the love of a cottage

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