IKEA Cottage Style Dining Room Ideas


Cottage Style Dining Room from IKEA via www.angelamaywaller.com

Cottage Style Dining Room from IKEA via www.angelamaywaller.com

IKEA has always been heavily weighted toward modern & contemporary styles, but they’ve always had a good selection of more traditional / cottage-style items as well. Recently, my local IKEA featured this charming dining room display. Just lovely. The the white cabinetry with the glass fronts is classic cottage, giving the look of a big vintage apothecary cabinet. However, this look is all stock kitchen cabinetry. The pine gate leg harvest table is paired with white canvas slip-covered parson’s chairs, a classic pairing. Then the room is accessorized with a sparkling chandelier and scalloped white dishes. White flowers in an elegant vase cap off the display. All of the elements here are among my favorites. Any room that combines white cabinetry, harvest table, chandelier, white stoneware and flowers is going to exude cottage style.




12 responses to “IKEA Cottage Style Dining Room Ideas”

  1. That damned Ikea! I’m not overly in love with most of that boxy, futuristic, humorless furniture they seem to revel in, but they have tons of little things I love. I’m waiting to go buy a dining set that will only be available from the 3rd til the 13th, it’s a black quasi Colonial style round pedestal table with four chairs for 100.00! I’ve only bought some glasses there, and I managed to do that in a quick trip (less than an hour! Do I win a prize?). If I ever have any money ever again, I’m going back for a lamp and some other odds and ends.Did you guys go to the air show? I was sickish all last weekend, so we did nothing. Well, I didn’t anyway.

  2. Humm – well Ikea does have some good storage items, but please be careful as some of their things are less than top quality. I have had a few things just fall apart on me. :0(

  3. Hey, hey, hey! Been wondering how you’ve been… been thinkin’ of ya too. We’ve been to Ikea twice now too… and I too love that kitchen when you first walk in. Oh yeah… so lovin’ it! I keep comparing the PDX Ikea to the Seattle one, and I like the Seattle one so much better. DH says it’s worth the extra drive up. Me not so much. Closer is always better! I’m due for another trip to Ikea I think this week. I’ve been holding off waiting for the new catalogs to come in… but I can only wait so long!!!! We so need to meet up there!!!!!Our house is just sitting on the market waiting for a family (it’s killing me). Lots of lookers, but no offers. Damn mortgage companies! Can’t wait to see you touch on that room. I’m sure I’ll be drooling over the before and after shots!Miss you!xoxoxo- M

  4. Lots of work, but so much potential! Love those cabinets at IKEA. Hadn’t realized they had some cottagey type things.

  5. I know how exciting a trip to Ikea can be. We have had them over here for years so the buzz has worn off but they are still the best place to go to pick up candles, little odds and ends and a few unexpecteds!Cherry Menlove

  6. Hi Angela,Glad you are back with us – even if just for a minute. I have no doubt that we will all be ooohing and aahing over your dinig space one day. I hope you are taking time to look after yourself in all this hustle and bustle.Jodieric-rac

  7. That white is inspiring!! But I’ve just never been an IKEA fan–except for their meatballs. :DI left a response on my site for you–but I’ll say it here too… we should make plans for this fall. I may head your direction soonish–up for lunch??

  8. Oh Man, I want an IKEA too! I’ve never been in one, but they sound fabulous.Pottery Barn is the closest we’ve got, I guess.Love the white glass front cabinets and the long table.The scalloped edge dishes are great too.I have a set of Phalzgraph called Filagree that are very similar. I love them because you can easily mix and match them with other colors.Your dining room looks BIG! You’ll have a loth of fun transforming it.Kimberly ๐Ÿ™‚

  9. Hi, Angela…I have never been in Ikea, although a new one opened up in Atlanta a couple years ago. I’ll have to try it. I don’t like most of their contemporary stuff, but sounds like they are getting more traditional cottegy things in now. Looking forward to seeing more of your reno’s!Rhoda

  10. I’ve only been once while visiting friends in Chicago because there isn’t one near me, and yes I’m pretty sure we were there for about 5 hours. I love everything you posted. I’ve been in the market for new white dishes so I will so have to check that out and those slipcovered chairs? Yum-O!

  11. Well, I don’t like the quality of furniture… I’ve known too many people with kids regret their purchases. ๐Ÿ˜€ And the store itself overwhelms me… it’s too large with too many people. Living in Marin, there were all kinds of terrible stories about the Emeryville store, you felt like you were taking your life in your own hands just to go in. We went a few times, and discovered that we tended to walk out empty-handed and decided it just wasn’t worth the effort for us.However, I’m in the minority–obviously. ๐Ÿ˜€

  12. Michele Avatar

    Gotta love Ikea!! I’m in love with the glass front cupboards! I wish my apartment would let me do someothing like that. Sigh…I also love that blue and white plate in the first pic.Your kitchen will look great when you’re done.Micheleluvkittysmeowmail@gmail.com

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