Diner-Style Spelt Pancake Recipe





<I adore pancakes. Not just any pancakes, but perfect, fluffy, crisp on the edges and like cake in the middle. Unfortunately, it’s easy to get flat, rubbery things that aren’t good for anything, especially not eating. The trick to good pancakes is heat and fat. You definitely have to use more fat than you would expect. Skimping here isn’t worth it. And the griddle needs to be hotter than you would expect. As hot as possible without causing your oil to smoke is my basic guideline. It’s a fine line that takes some practice, but it’s so worth it.


2 1/4 cups spelt flour or 2 cups unbleached wheat flour 5 tsp baking powder 1 tsp salt 2 TB sugar 2 cups milk or 1 cup water + 1 cup almond milk 2 eggs 1/4 cup melted butter Remaining stick of butter, unmelted and still partially wrapped


1. Preheat a non-stick griddle to medium heat. 2. In a medium-sized bowl, combine dry ingredients and mix with a fork. 3. Add milk, eggs and butter and wisk with fork until completely mixed. There should be few to no lumps left. 4. Check the griddle temperature. Water flicked from the end of your fingers should dance across the griddle, but it should not smoke. Try a test cake to be extra sure. 5. Using the exposed end of a partially wrapped stick of butter, smear butter on the hot griddle, being careful not to burn fingers!! 6. Measure out 1/4 cup of batter and pour onto the griddle. Repeat until all the space on the griddle is full. 7. Let the pancakes cook until the edges are no longer shiny and the surface is covered with bubbles. There should be no new bubbles forming. 8. Flip and cook another 2-3 minutes or until lightly browned. Remove and serve. Pancakes don’t keep well, even in a warmed oven, so be prepared to serve before cooking and serve immediately. And then keep ’em comin for the hungry crew! We use almond milk and spelt flour to support Gootz’s diet, and I find that the spelt adds a nice, nutty flavor that we all love. We also discovered by accident that the George Forman Grill delivers the perfect temperature for perfect pancakes.


20 responses to “Diner-Style Spelt Pancake Recipe”

  1. Hi Angela, Jacqui loves making pancakes. We are going to try your recipe next Sunday. Hubby loves them with maple syrup and bacon! Now we are hungry and it’s 11pm!! Jenn and Jacqui

  2. Yummy, with real maple syrup!The Vermonter in me will never give up the real stuff.Janet

  3. Clearly, the Universe is telling me to go make pancakes–as this is the second blog tonight that has featured them. :DHope all is well.

  4. Pancakes are all the rage in blogland it would seem.Yours look a lot better than the horrid shake mix ones my kids make Angela.

  5. Ha ha! I guess it’s pancake day! These sound so good I may not even wait until the weekend to make them! Thanks for the recipe!

  6. Hi, I have just found your lovely blog, I love pancakes, I used to only eat them on pancake day, but recently indulged for breakfast! Thank you for sharing the recipe, It will be nice to try a recipe that’s not the traditional english version…..Priscilla x

  7. Angela,I’ll try your recipe, guess I have to go and buy some wheat flour. Oh you’ve made me soooo hungry now. YUM!Rose

  8. Looks really yummy. I have to ask, what is spelt flour?

  9. Thanks for the answer to what to make for dinner!! Sausages and pancakes…homemade!!My mouth is watering just looking at those pics…are you sure you don’t have a fancy shmancy camera??Lindaxoxo

  10. I found you through Blotanical. You asked about cottage style. I guess my garden in OK is cottagey. At least that’s what I hope. I live in a log house, which isn’t cottagey at all. Love your blog.

  11. kari & kijsa Avatar
    kari & kijsa

    Those look absolutely delicious….fabulous photo…smiles, kari & kijsa

  12. Hi, I am english and the recipe I have is just eggs milk and flour and pinch of salt, they turn out quite thin though like a crepe, I do love them but if you try to make them thick they are just goo in the centre,ha,haYours look lovely and fluffy and the recipe looks interesting, thank you for sharing!Priscilla x

  13. Mmmmmm, yummy! That looks scrumptious! Too bad for me I don’t like pancakes unless I’m camping. And then, it’s Bisquick. Someday I’ll have to make your recipe for the family, tho. They LOVE fluffy pancakes. We had a friend who made homemade maple syrup. Now that was good! 🙂

  14. My George Forman grill is coming out of the closet–I knew there was a reason I was holding on to it!

  15. Those look great, Angela! I’ve never done pancakes from scratch. I’ve found a few box mixes that are wheat & have used those. They’re pretty good, but yours look fabulous. We love pancakes & bacon. YummmmmRhoda

  16. Angela, There is something about week-ends and pancakes!! They just go together!! Sounds Great. Thanks for visiting my blog. I enjoyed my visit here. Connie

  17. This looks delicious and of course your pictures always look good enough to eat.

  18. yolanda elizabet Avatar
    yolanda elizabet

    Mmmmmmmmm. pancakes and they look so nice and golden too. Great pic Angela. There’s one slight problem though, by just looking at your pancakes I put on at least a pound or so. 😉

  19. Shame on you! I am on a diet.

  20. Michele Avatar

    Other than cereal, pancakes and/or french toast is my favorite breakfast. Your recipe sounds so good right now. Thanks for sharing it.Micheleluvkittysmeowmail@gmail.com

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