December Rose Blooms
< Can you believe these roses blooming in the middle of December? The neighbor told me she’s had roses from the garden on her table for Christmas, and I wasn’t sure I believed her. Now I do. If it hadn’t been for the freak snowstorm we had, these would have been on my table Christmas day. This mystery rose has been blooming non-stop since June, if you can believe that.
Several other roses are also blooming, and there’s stragglers on the hydrangeas. This hebe is also throwing off a few blooms, too (Hebe ‘Ritt’).
But as remarkable as the flowers are, this time of year I’m most excited about all of the foliage and berry color…
Palace Purple Heuchera
…like the leaves of this coral bell (Heuchera ‘Can Can’)….
Ornamental Purple Kale
…or this purple ornamental kale.
Mourning Widow Geranium Phaeum
I also love the bright splashes of color in this variegated mourning widow geranium (Geranium phaeum ‘Variegatum’). I’ve been propogating it all over the shady parts of my garden.
Autumn Color Azalea Foliage
I was really surprised by the color in this azalea. It was a freebie from a friend who was digging it out. I don’t even know what color it blooms yet. But the winter color is lovely.
Parney Cotoneaster
Of course, one of my favorite winter interest plants is cotoneaster, and I brought several with me from the other house. This one, Parney cotoneaster (Cotoneaster lacteus) is great for training onto (or into) a wall, with big leathery leaves and a stunning amount of berries when mature.
PeeGee Hydrangea
My PeeGee hydrangea (Hydrangea paniculata ‘Grandiflora’) has lovely brown mopheads, dried on the plant. I left them on for interest, so I’ll have to be careful when I prune this Spring so I don’t lop off the new buds.
Buds on Fruit Tree
But speaking of buds, here’s my most favorite thing to see this time of year. Buds on the trees. This is a plum tree from my veg garden, and it just makes me so happy! Spring is coming! I know, not for months.
But it’s coming!
What about you? What’s your favorite thing to see in your winter garden?
This post is a part of the DecemberGarden Bloggers Bloom Day, sponsored each month by May Dreams Gardens.
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