Early June Blooms in the Pacific Northwest


Foxgloves and Roses around Gazebo

Foxgloves and Roses around Gazebo

Bloom on New Dawn Climbing Rose

Bloom on New Dawn Climbing Rose

Every evening when I walk into my office, I walk past this window that looks out over the gazebo thing in my garden. And of course I take a peek on my way to the computer to see what’s blooming, how many weeds have grown since yesterday, how much of a raggedy mess the lawn is, that sort of thing. Sometimes I’m so compelled by what I see, I have to get my camera and go try to get a few pictures before the sun goes down. Tonight was definitely one of those nights. What an explosion of flowers!

I mean, I knew they were blooming, I walk past that window every day. But I hadn’t really realized just how muchthey were blooming. It kind of just stopped me in my tracks. When we moved here, that corner was a chemically stripped barren wasteland, and it seemed like it would neverbe pretty. So it still kind of surprises me when I notice that it is.

(We’ll just pretend we don’t see the shaggy lawn and the billion-and-two weeds, okay?)

Of course, I had to sit in my chairs there and enjoy being surrounded by flowers.

Foxgloves and Wild Roses

Foxgloves and Wild Roses

June Blooms

June Blooms

On the fence behind the gazebo thing I have a New Dawn climbing rose. It’s just starting to bloom now, and the blooms smell fantastic. I can’t wait until the clematis joins in, there’s just loads of buds on it. I never thought all the shades of pink would make me so happy, with the different roses and foxgloves, but they do.

Blossom on New Dawn Climbing Rose

Blossom on New Dawn Climbing Rose

A Jumble of Roses and Foxgloves

A Jumble of Roses and Foxgloves

Foxgloves Close Up

Foxgloves Close Up

Coming down the path from the gate it’s a shaggy, lush mess of flowers. I like it, shag and all.

Path to Gazebo

Path to Gazebo

But if you turn a bit to the left, you can see that the next wave is already coming. See the bit of orange?

Butterfly Garden

Butterfly Garden

Summer Blooms Just Starting

Summer Blooms Just Starting

New colors are coming, you can see them starting to show! Right now, the weather is still cool and lovely, and all the pinks and blues are so pretty. But very soon the son will be hot and bright, and the pink would seem washed out. Right about then, the brighter colors take over, and the garden becomes a bright, cheerful riot of color. I like that, too.

What’s blooming in your garden?



7 responses to “Early June Blooms in the Pacific Northwest”

  1. Beautiful! We just bought a home and it’s been fun to see what is coming up-Iris, roses, a huge lavender, rosemary, lilac. We just cut some blooms from a little white rose for the mantle. I love having my own flowers to bring in. My foxgloves just finished-I love all yours, do they come back evey year and spread?

  2. Thanks for visiting my blog and I likewise am glad to find yours. The foxgloves and roses are a favorite combination….. Very nice indeed.

  3. Hi Angela, thanks for stopping by at my garden and thanks for letting me have a stroll in your garden 🙂 I’m sure going to come back for another visit as I can see we have more than gardening in common!

  4. Oh, your garden is a lovely riot of color! I love foxgloves ~ especially because the deer do not! :~?

  5. I can see why you love those colors, your garden is stunning! Love the foxgloves, and the fence…hmmmm. Garden inspiration? yes.Jen @ Muddy Boot Dreams

  6. Now that’s a flower garden! Love Love LOVE IT..so beautiful!

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