Early May Blooms in the Pacific Northwest



Spring Blooms via cottagemagpie.com

Spring Blooms via cottagemagpie.com

Spring Blooms via cottagemagpie.com

Spring Blooms via cottagemagpie.com

I am sometimes amazed at how different the garden looks now from when I first moved here. I mean, I don’t know why, really. I’ve worked on it for hours upon hours and made so many changes. But for some reason, at each given moment in time it seems like things are just going to stay that way forever. That you’re never going to get where you want to go. And yet, in the nearly six years we’ve lived here, things have changed so much.

When we first moved here there was grass, barkdust and a few overgrown rhododendrons. Nothing else. The end. I worked and worked and worked at it and it didn’t seem to get any better. I never thought I’d ever have anything pretty at all. But guess what? A few years later and all that work starts to accumulate and there’s little bits of cottage garden goodness all over the place.

Here’s some of the things that are blooming right now in my garden.

Spring Blooms via cottagemagpie.com

Spring Blooms via cottagemagpie.com

Lady Banks Rose

Spring Blooms via cottagemagpie.com

Spring Blooms via cottagemagpie.com

Cottage Rose

Spring Blooms via cottagemagpie.com

Spring Blooms via cottagemagpie.com

Knockout Rose Hedge and Catmint “Walker’s Low”

Spring Blooms via cottagemagpie.com

Spring Blooms via cottagemagpie.com

Spanish Lavender

Spring Blooms via cottagemagpie.com

Spring Blooms via cottagemagpie.com

“Shirley” Poppies & Foxgloves

Spring Blooms via cottagemagpie.com

Spring Blooms via cottagemagpie.com

Red Valerian & Clematis

Spring Blooms via cottagemagpie.com

Spring Blooms via cottagemagpie.com

“Superstition” Bearded Iris

Spring Blooms via cottagemagpie.com

Spring Blooms via cottagemagpie.com


Is there anything blooming right now in your garden?

P.S. Linking up toMay Dreams Gardens andAn Oregon Cottage.


18 responses to “Early May Blooms in the Pacific Northwest”

  1. Oh how I envy all the color in your yard! But you know, my daughter and I went out of town for Mother’s Day weekend and when we got back, my yard just seemed so beautiful! Guess I had to get away to appreciate it. In Arizona we have Lantana that practically grow wild…I have purple, deep yellow and a pink varigated with yellow. I have Bouginvillea and these other big spikey things that I used to hate, but since they’ve been watered regularly this year, they are beautiful, and attract the humming birds! And that’s another thing that always amazes me….that those tiny humming birds can live in this AZ heat! Well, look at me, just yakkin’ at you like we were talking over coffee! Anyway, your yard is gorgeous! Sometimes we just have to step back and see it, huh? Dona

    1. Dona, you can chat away at me anytime! I’ve got my tea right here, so it’s almost just like real life. ๐Ÿ™‚ Your garden sounds really beautiful! You are so right. Sometimes you have to just get some perspective! ~Angela~

  2. My garden is ablaze with color. I was surprised to see my rose garden beside the driveway a few days ago. My little vintage trailer is parked in the driveway while we do her restoration and I hadn’t walked about her to see the roses that have gone ‘crazy’. Your garden proves that hard work pays off!~Adrienne~

    1. The roses are just going nuts this year, aren’t they? I really can’t believe it. I mean, it’s only May and my entire rose hedge is completely covered in roses. It’s nuts!! But in a good way, of course. I would love to see some pictures of your rose garden! ~Angela~

  3. Angela,The colors are stunning. So pretty.Kris

    1. Thank you so much, Kris! I’m really enjoying them. ~Angela~

  4. Gorgeous! I love the salvia.My wispy grass looks okay. I had to plant all new plants here, and I have completed only the front. It takes a long time for flowering plants to get established, and they don’t look like these when they do unless someone has irrigation from an acequias.

    1. Thank you, SJ! That’s interesting about establishing flowers. I used to get this great plant catalog, High Country Gardens and the sample pictures were soooo pretty. I can’t grow many of the plants because they’d drown and rot in the winter, but I always wanted to come see their gardens in person to see if it was as lush as it seemed in the pictures! ~Angela~

  5. Nice shades of colors.

    1. Thank you, Greggo! ~Angela~

  6. Your garden is beyond lovely, it has so much charm and I love the colour you chose for your flowers.

    1. Oh, thank you Magali! You are too sweet. ~Angela~

  7. Love seeing all the beautiful flowers in your yard, what gorgeous color you must have eveywhere.I found your PInterest site too…thanks, looking forward to spending some time there.Jen

    1. Thanks, Jen!! I am following you on Pinterest, too! ๐Ÿ™‚ I feel a kinship with you since I am 6′ tall. ๐Ÿ™‚ I have planted for year-round interest so I don’t have *tons* of color everywhere, but I do have some nice things here and there! So glad you stopped by. ๐Ÿ™‚ ~Angela~

  8. Scott Weber Avatar
    Scott Weber

    You’ve certainly made a lovely garden from what you had when you started! Love the ‘Superstition’ Iris…I may have to add that one to my garden this year ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Thank you, Scott! Sometimes I forget how different it looked when we started. I should go look at those early pictures again! ๐Ÿ™‚ ~Angela~

  9. Paula @ Spoons n Spades Avatar
    Paula @ Spoons n Spades

    Your garden has some gorgeous blooms and your roses look especially beautiful. It is hard work to get a garden started, but so wonderful when it all starts to come together.

    1. Thank you, Paula! It’s so true! I have been working on this garden for six years now and this is the first year that I’ve really felt like it was finally looking pretty. I was starting to lose hope! Thanks for stopping by! ~Angela~

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