Garden in Bloom: June 2014 via
Garden in Bloom: June 2014 via
Aside from my birthday month of April, I think June is one of my favorite months. The whole garden bursts into bloom and it’s such a joy to watch it unfolding every day. This garden needs a little attention. Some things have died off and others taken over. Some of the perennials need dividing. So it’s not in as full of glory as it was a couple of years ago. But it’s okay. It’s still a cheerful burst of color to enjoy.
The weather this year has been unusual to me. It’s been warmer and wetter than I remember from previous years. Muggy and overcast isn’t the most common condition where I live. Overcast, sure, but then rainy and cooler. Warm and overcast, that’s not something I’m used to.
At any rate, it doesn’t seem to be bothering the plants any. This is what it looks like as you come into the backyard:
Garden in Bloom: June 2014 via
I have several clematis vines around the garden, some that were here when I moved in and some I’ve added. They’re all covered with swaths of purple.
Garden in Bloom: June 2014 via
The honeybees are working the Walker’s Low catmint (Nepeta racemosa ‘Walker’s Low’), just like they do every year.
Garden in Bloom: June 2014 via
In the back corner behind the “gazebo thing” the New Dawn rose and clematis are blooming together. I really love that.
Garden in Bloom: June 2014 via
Garden in Bloom: June 2014 via
Garden in Bloom: June 2014 via
And the Lady’s Mantle (Alchemilla mollis) in the shadier part is a cloud of chartreuse froth.
Garden in Bloom: June 2014 via
My new hydrangea seems to be settling in. I can’t wait for it to get bigger.
Garden in Bloom: June 2014 via
Now if I could just get the rest of the garden to be this nice!
Garden in Bloom: June 2014 via
What’s the weather like where you live? Is anything blooming?
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