Spooky October Mantel With Barns, Pumpkins and Cats


Remember this summer, how I pretended my piano was a mantel, and decorated it with a big ol’ faux vintage door on there was one that Mr. Magpie built for me?

Well, when we decided to turn the living room into a study, we created one little  eeny-weeny problem.

(Dun dun DUUUUUUN…)

The piano has to be moved. To the family room. Which as you remember has a sheet of fabric thumb-tacked to the ceiling for a wall. So, no dice on the piano mantel.

But I’m spoiled now! I’ve had a mantel(ish thing). I can’t go back! So… I commandeered the glassed book cabinet in our bedroom. (I know what you’re thinking… WHAT glassed book cabinet??? The mysteries multiply! Heh. I promise I’ll explain soon.)

For now, I have a bookshelf cabinet mantel. Or cabinantel… Bookshantel… oh heck, it looks like this:

When I started, I didn’t know exactly what I was going to put on here. I had a few random ideas, but mostly I just knew I wanted something that would work for Fall and Halloween, and that I didn’t want to spend any money, so everything had to be in my stash. Some things you may actually remember seeing before, and some you may not. But it’s all stuff I had laying around for one reason or another.

Did I mention that I just sort of decided to do this today, and I’m glad I went for it, because if I had thought about it, I wouldn’t have? This kind of decorating scares me. (Silly, right?) But there’s so much beautiful decor out there, and other than the mantel I did on the piano this summer, I have never done this type of decorating before. I didn’t think I could do it. But I really like what I came up with. I surprised myself!

Of course, since it’s raining here, and my bedroom has only one tiny window, I also fretted quite a bit about getting pictures. I ended up stretching myself there, too. I’ll share that coming up.

I also have lots more to share about how I put it all together, and what exactly is on there. (Updated:you can now find that on my post How toDecorate a Halloween Mantel With Thrifted Finds.) For now, I just wanted to say… HAPPY FALL!

What about you? Have you surprised yourself lately?

Love, Me



26 responses to “Spooky October Mantel With Barns, Pumpkins and Cats”

  1. Love it! I use a bookshelf, too, for my “mantel”. Actually, I’ll use any flat surface I can find! But let me ask you….is that an orange, flower…..platter? I think I”m in love! Where did you get it?

    1. Thanks, Dona!!! And yes, in fact, that *is* an orange flower plate! Hee hee! I found it at Goodwill a few years ago and it’s been in my Halloween decorating box ever since. ~Angela~

  2. Barbara H. Avatar
    Barbara H.

    It looks great, Angela. I love that it’s such a diverse collection that goes together really, really well. And that you had it all on hand.

    1. Thanks Barbara! I really am new at this kind of decorating (I’ve been all construction and painting and sewimg up until now), so I’m actually kind of surprised that I like it so much! I’m glad you like it, too. ~Angela~

  3. I think you did a great job! And I love the combination of aquaish blue and orange. Looks great!xoClaudia

    1. Thank you, Claudia! I have to admit, I didn’t start out planning the aqua and orange combo, it happened by accident, but I liked it, so I went with it! Thanks for stopping by! ~Angela~

  4. Very pretty mantel. Especially love the painting with the pyracantha berries. Your mantel/book shelf looks like a blustery fall day. Love that painting!!!Cindy

    1. Thank you, Cindy! That was definitely the “feel” I was going for, so I’m so glad it worked! Woo hoo!~Angela~

  5. Hello Angela! Thanks for sharing over at My Monday Muse! I featured your fall mantel in this weeks link up! Hope to see more of you!Christie

    1. Oh my gosh, really? Thank you so much, Christie! I’m honored! ~Angela~

  6. It’s fantastic! Love the black cats…too cute. Thank you for sharing. Visiting from Meet me Monday. Would love it if you would share this at my Make it Pretty Monday party at The Dedicated House. http://thededicatedhouse.blogspot.com/2012/10/make-it-pretty-monday-week-19.html Hope to see you at the bash! Toodles, Kathryn @TheDedicatedHouse

    1. Thank you so much, Kathryn! I am heading over to check out your fab party right now! 🙂 ~Angela~

  7. I appreciate that you dressed something besides a mantel like a mantel. I didn’t have a mantel in my old house and had a hallway table that I did the same thing with. Love the uniqueness!

    1. Thank you! 🙂 I hope someday I’ll have a mantel, but for now I decided I should just decorate what I have. It feels good! Thanks for visiting. ~Angela~

  8. For me, it was a wonderful ‘surprise’ to see such a fabulous seasonal vignette! The more I see turquoise and orange team up, the more I can’t take my eyes of the duo. I love the orange berries and how they add texture to the painting behind it, almost as if they are part of the landscape. Thanks for stopping by my neck of the woods and hope to see you again soon. I’m your newest follower! Have a great week.Poppy

    1. Hi Poppy! Thanks for coming by! Going in, I didn’t know I was going to pair turquoise and orange when I started, but I love how it turned out. Thanks for noticing!~Angela~

  9. I love that barn painting!! So great!!! The whole vignette is wonderful.So nice visiting with you today. God bless, Amy

    1. Thank you, Amy! I really appreciate it! ~Angela~

  10. Hi Angela! Happy Fall! I love the way you brought the outdoors in. What a lovely way to honor fall, to include a bit of nature, the orange berries, in the mix. All the orange works beautifully with the greenish blue color. I think the combination is absolutely fabulous! I also love how you brought the lights in, as they make the mantle even more festive, and a bit cozy. Thank you for the inspiration! I will be decorating soon.

    1. Thank you, Jillian! I had originally been thinking a garland, and used the lights as a second choice, but now that they are up there I really like them. Thanks for stopping by! ~Angela~

  11. Your mantel is just lovely! But must I add…your new blog layout is BEAUTIFUL!!! love love love! 🙂

    1. Thank you so much, Ashley!!! I was really trying to go for a cleaner, simpler layout so the photography could be more of the star. I’m so tickled that you noticed it! I love your layout, too, it’s sooooo elegant! Really gorgeous. ~Angela~

  12. Gerry Sharp Avatar
    Gerry Sharp

    Love your arrangement on your “mantel”. I reallylove the painting of the barn. Fits in so well withyour other fixin’s. Great job !

    1. Thanks so much! I have loved that painting ever since I found it at Goodwill. I’m glad I never got rid of it! ~Angela~

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