How to Make a Two-Tone Loom Knitted Scarf


I value handmade gifts. And I love beautiful yarns and knitting. The problem is that I don’t know how to knit. I’ve tried to learn, but I learned to crochet when I was 5 so the knitting never seems to stick.

My solution? Using a fun and easy knitting loom to make simple handmade gifts, like this knitted scarf.

The way a knitting loom works is that you wind the yarn around the pegs twice around the loom, and then you use a little hook to pick up the lower loops and pull them up over the peg, creating a stitch. I bought mine, but you could make one yourself with a little ingenuity.

This particular loom was made by Knifty Knitter and came with a set of four looms that you can use to make scarves, hats, flowers and more. I got it at Jo-Ann fabrics for $14. To make the scarf, I picked up two skeins of yard, one in a super soft twisted natural color, and one in a black eyelash yarn with tan and brown kernels.

I started with the eyelash yarn, did 20 or so rows of that, then switched to the tan yarn and just knitted away until the scarf seemed long enough (I like a good, long scarf), and then did another 20 or so rows of the eyelash yarn.

Then I used a crochet hook to finish the end and get the work off the loom. Easy, peasy! It only took a couple of evenings working while I watched TV, and now I have a great handmade gift for someone on my list.

When I was done, I had enough left of each to do a hat, but not another scarf. The yarn was about $10. So it’s not cheaper, but it’s handmade by you, and that’s what counts.

And it was fun!

I am already planning another scarf, maybe experimenting with other yarns, stripes or other fun variations. I’ll post them as I do them.

Have any of you ever used a knitting loom? Do you have any brilliant ideas or projects to do? Let me know!

Love, Angela



32 responses to “How to Make a Two-Tone Loom Knitted Scarf”

  1. I have never heard of a knitting loom! I like the way the stitches look…kind of a cross between knitting and crocheting. I learned to knit when I was 10, but never learned to crochet anything other than a granny square. I have noticed with the new interest in knitting that there is some really fun yarn out there.Janet

  2. Cool – I have always wanted to learn how to knit~

  3. I love this project. Great combination of texture. What a great gift. Lucky recipient!

  4. Hi Angela!That is a beautiful scarf!! I actually bought a loom last year and honestly could not figure out how to use it! It would make life so much easier though, I taught myself how to knit last fall so I could felt a purse. It’s pretty complicated too!Teresa

  5. Great idea Angela, I can’t knit or crochet and I love all the knitted things I see on blogs, maybe the loom is the answer.

  6. Well, I’ve never used one but I admit to being intriqued. Maybe I will pick one up (with a coupon of course) and see if the girls like it. I’m really enjoying knitting, too bad it hasn’t taken with you.By the way, being a bargain shoppin, thrifty kind of girl, I always appreciate that you list the price of something!

  7. I have knitting/crochetting and sewing envy right now. As a child my grandmother taught me to crochet and I tried and tried….but my true passions is art and cartooning – my whole company is based on my style of drawing. What a beautiful blog you have and your ideas are fabulous! I look forward to continuing to read about it….and one day maybe I will learn to knit or sew or crochet!

  8. It might be fast, but I’m pretty sure it wouldn’t be easy …for me!! I never could get farther than the neverending scarf…I’m afraid I’ll just have to enjoy from afar…!!Linda

  9. Wow, that scarf looks like it was knitted! My daughter has some looms but they are circular. She’s only made some long tubes with them!Regarding your comment on my blog…I love the plate under the flatware too!

  10. My kiddo got one of those for Christmas last year, but I’m not sure if she’s even taken it out of the bag! I should go snag it and try it out. I love the fluffy part on your scarf. ๐Ÿ™‚ The bestest part is it’s portable!! ๐Ÿ™‚

  11. Your website has a new look, yes? Very nice.Still probably couldn’t knit a scarf, even with a loom. I’m challenged that way.–Robin (Bumblebee)

  12. Well, isn’t that a nifty little gadget?!Even I might be able to make something with that.The scarf is beautiful!Kimberly ๐Ÿ™‚

  13. Brandie Kajino Avatar
    Brandie Kajino

    How gorgeous! I love to knit (I was originally a crocheter too). I never thought of using an eyelash yarn at the end, so my scarves seem a little “unfinished” since I’m not crazy about fringe. Thanks for the idea! ๐Ÿ˜‰

  14. Jamie Bruce Avatar
    Jamie Bruce

    This scarf is beautiful and I would like to try it, but I have one question. From the photo I cannot tell if you knitted on the outside pegs or you went across. Your instructions sound like you did only the outside pegs. I have been searching for a scarf pattern for quite sometime and simply fell in love with yours.Thank you for sharing.Jamie Bruce

  15. Carolyn Avatar

    I’ve never learned to knit either, but can crochet like the wind. Now, mostly afghans and such, but I want to start adding beads to scarves when I make them. Just got a great pattern for that. I’ve sold alot of the things I’ve made at bazaars at work and I donate two afghans every year to the Cancer Society fundraiser. xxoo

  16. Theresa N Avatar
    Theresa N

    I knit but I’ve always wanted to try the loom.

  17. Paula Vasconcelos Avatar
    Paula Vasconcelos

    Dear Angela,I’m from Rio de Janeiro – Brazil and I dont speak english well. So, I’ll try. Sorry if I’m not writting well too.I loved this way to knit.I’ve never heard of a knitting loom and I’d loved to learn that.I’ve been searching for a different way to knitting because I like very much of hand made works.Thank you, you really have “fairy hands”.Sorry my english!kissessssssPaula

  18. That is fantastic! You should try your hand at knitting. I taught myself from a book while on bed rest at the end of my second pregnancy. It’s really easy!

  19. WOW!! I am so impressed. I recently purchased a loom and have not seen may examples of project here on the web. So when I came across your, (screeching brakes) So So beautiful! I just love this scarf….. Thank you so much for sharing!

  20. Hi there I have just started to knit with the looms AND I LOVE IT!!! has some VERY helpful videos on how to get started with the looms. If I could help you in any way just let me know. ~Richie~

  21. beautiful scarf. where did you purchase your eye lash yarn

  22. The scarf is really beautiful,I always wanted to learn how to knitt …everything above.However the knitting loom has my attention.If you could please email me some pointers in how to begin to loom please email me at

  23. My daughter really likes your scarf and she wants to make one just like it! She got a loom, lust like the one in your picture, but for the life of me, we can’t figure it out. Do you know of any materials explaining a step by step way of using it. I have looked all over the internet and cannot find any videos or instructions. Thanks for any help that you might send my way. I currently have her working on a frame loom, but the lap loom is staring at me from the corner of the living room with an evil grin, laughing. ๐Ÿ˜‰ Thanks.

  24. I couldn’t find a pink loom like the one you have in the picture. All they had was a longer one. I noticed in the picture you didn’t go all the way to the end of that loom so can I make this scarf on a longer loom too? If so how many do I need to go around? and is it okay to not tie off on one of the ends? I am new to this craft too. Any help would be appreciated, I seen this scarf and had to run to town and get the stuff it is soooo pretty!!!!

  25. Jessica Myers-White Avatar
    Jessica Myers-White

    You can get a pack of different sized looms at Michaels for$24.99. It includes a hook and needle.

  26. I am new to Loom Knitting. I was wondering what pattern you used. Did you use the same stitch pattern for the eyelash area as the rest or did you do a different one for that area and then what looks like the Stockinette pattern for the rest? Would love to know! Thanks!

    1. Hi D.A.! I didn’t use a pattern, I just messed with it until it looked right. I used the same stitch for everything, just the basic regular beginning stitch that’s on the package when you buy a loom. Good luck!! ~Angela~

      1. Thank you!

  27. Hi AngelaThanks for your blog. I am looking at your loom and wondering how long have you owned it for. There seems to be a lot of toy looms around now. Where did you buy your loom from, what brand do you recommend? Do you have any images of looms from the past that you could possibly send me? Thanks in anticipation

    1. Hi Penny! I have had my knitting loom for quite some time. I bought a kit of several looms at Jo-Ann’s fabrics, I think they even still carry it. I don’t remember the brand, but it was the standard one they have there. Good luck! ~Angela~

  28. Diane Cook Avatar
    Diane Cook

    I bought a Quick Loom at Michaels and have had nothing but issues. I’ve broken two pegs, another fell out. I know my wraps are sometimes too tight. Today i broke the hook that came with the set. I’m so frustrated. I know it’s not hard, but. I’ve started again and again. I was hoping to make a simple scarf for my son’s girlfriend’s birthday at end of this month. But the way I’m going, I’ll be lucky to not throw it all away.Your creations are so pretty and simple looking, i can’t imagine mine looking anything like them. Any advice would greatly be appreciated. Ail i wanted was to make a simple scarf in HALLOWEEN colors, orange and black. have been doing with both colors at one time. Should i do one at a time? Because my wraps tend to be tight i sit wrestle to get the bottom loop off. My hands and fingers are so sore, I’ve been working onthis for a few days and i only had an inch hanging out of the bottom.Diane

    1. Hi Diane! I’m so, so sorry you are struggling! But I think you already know what the problems is — it’s those dang tight wraps!! You shouldn’t be having to struggle to get the loops off the loom. Also, your loom should have come with a hook to use, definitely use that to save wear on your fingers. Try wrapping the loom VERY loosely and see how that goes. Best wishes, and let me know how it turns out! ~Angela~

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