Valentine Cottage Front Garden Before & After



English Cottage Garden

English Cottage Garden

Front Garden Before

Front Garden Before

Front Garden After

Front Garden After

Front Garden After

Front Garden After

Front Garden After

Front Garden After

Front Garden After

Front Garden After

Front Garden After

Front Garden After

Front Garden Before

Front Garden Before

Front Garden After

Front Garden After

Front Garden Before

Front Garden Before

Front Garden After

Front Garden After

Front Garden Before

Front Garden Before

Front Garden After

Front Garden After

Front Garden Before

Front Garden Before

Front Garden After

Front Garden After

Front Garden After

Front Garden After

This is the front entry garden at my previous home, Valentine Cottage. When I bought the house, the front garden consisted only of tattered grass and a hedge of camellia at the foundation. My goal when re-landscaping this garden was to create an English-style cottage garden that would complement the house and provide a sense of enclosure, charm and a profuse summer display of blooms. Before: After: Before: After: Before: After: Before: After: Before: After: Before: After: Before: After: After:


17 responses to “Valentine Cottage Front Garden Before & After”

  1. How beautiful it all is…the photos are especially refreshing to look at since it’s 105 freaking degrees out here!

  2. Very impressive! Now you have plenty of experience to do it all over again. I’m looking forward to seeing the progress you make at your new house!

  3. How perfectly charming! You have quite the green thumb. I am excited to watch your new garden as it takes shape. Are you available for hire?!?!?! : )

  4. Oh my gosh, what a beautiful storybook house and garden. Why did you leave it? It must have been very hard. I’m sure you will have fun redoing your new house and making it as spectacular as your last house!

  5. Yolanda Elizabet Avatar
    Yolanda Elizabet

    I love before and after pics, especially when the difference is so vast as in your ones. Love what you did with creating that real and very pretty garden. Great garden seat!

  6. What an amazing transformation!! Your taste is impeccable!! How did you ever leave that house…its cottage appeal is unbelievable! I know I’m gushing, but I cannot believe the positive changes you made.Can’t wait to see the new house transformed!!Linda

  7. Thats just gorgeous what you did! Extremely impressive and inspiring!

  8. I had no idea I was so behind on reading your blog. The before and afters are great.Is it ready to go on the market now?

  9. What a beautiful yard! It is SO wonderful and inviting. I just love it. You are an insparation!mary

  10. Totally charming and gorgeous! I love the before and after contrast. I’d buy that house in a skinny minute!

  11. Your before and after pictures are amazing! I can’t believe what you were able to accomplish.

  12. cynthia wagenhauser Avatar
    cynthia wagenhauser

    Angela, I too have an english cottage garden and love the experience of looking at it and designing, digging etc. Your house is darling! I live in a suburban two story but it does have a couple things I love a small front porch and a big yard. Your site is the first I have been on under this topic and I love the pictures of before and after. Keep up the beautiful work and thank you for sharing it with me!

  13. Lovely, lovely transformations!!!!! you r very talented…..I should know, I went to design school! do you work at this for a living???? did you flip these homes??? because if you do, child, you r a worker bee!!!!! enjoyed looking at the photos…..I live in a house in Kansas, it was built in 1910, and golly, I just love it!! Today, i put in my tomatoe plants, and moved my rosebush,I used an old chair that I got for one dollar at a church sale…..with no seat, so, it sorounds the rosebush, just had to write because I really respect thrift in a person….please feel free to write and I’ll send some pics…

  14. Michele Avatar

    So beautiful!!! It truly is a work of art! Your talent is amazing, really!!

  15. Michele Avatar

    So beautiful!!! It truly is a work of art! Your talent is amazing, really!!

  16. Sara Duckett Avatar
    Sara Duckett

    Wow! That looks awesome! 🙂

  17. Omgosh! this house looks so cute and cosy. Is there any other websites that contain houses like these? (I’m helping my mother design her new home)

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