April Blooms in the Pacific Northwest



Garden in Bloom: April 2014 via cottagemagpie.com

Garden in Bloom: April 2014 via cottagemagpie.com

Garden in Bloom: April 2014 via cottagemagpie.com

Garden in Bloom: April 2014 via cottagemagpie.com

Spring is such a tease, isn’t it? You get those sunny days and the early flowers and you think, “Ahhh, the beautiful weather is here!” You wear short sleeves, you open the windows, you get out the quilts and pack up the duvet. Of course, if you live in the Pacific Northwest, you then have another 6 days of weather straight out of November and you have to get the duvet back out and wonder if the sunny weather will ever come to stay. (Here? Nope, not until June. Maybe longer. You’d think I’d know that by now.)

The biggest tease of all, by far, though, is the peonies. They have had visible buds swelling on them for some time now. But it’ll be weeks before I actually see any blossoms It’s incredible to me how long they take! I used to watch them so closely, thinking, “any day, any day,” but now I know it’s going to be awhile yet. But with all this pretty sunshiney weather, maybe it won’t be as long as usual!

Garden in Bloom: April 2014 via cottagemagpie.com

Garden in Bloom: April 2014 via cottagemagpie.com

The daffodils (Narcissus) are blooming merrily, though. I don’t have a lot in this garden yet. I have been waiting to plant them until the garden is “done” and I won’t have to worry about working around them. I should probably go ahead and plant some, though, or I’ll never have more!

Garden in Bloom: April 2014 via cottagemagpie.com

Garden in Bloom: April 2014 via cottagemagpie.com

I love the little periwinkle flowers of the Vinca minor.

Garden in Bloom: April 2014 via cottagemagpie.com

Garden in Bloom: April 2014 via cottagemagpie.com

Here’s the teeny-bud on one of the herbacious peonies that teases me so.

Garden in Bloom: April 2014 via cottagemagpie.com

Garden in Bloom: April 2014 via cottagemagpie.com

Now, this is particularly exciting:

Garden in Bloom: April 2014 via cottagemagpie.com

Garden in Bloom: April 2014 via cottagemagpie.com

That is the enormous bud on a tree peony (Paeonia suffruticosa)!!! I bought my tree peony a good 10 years ago. It was insanely expensive. Fifty (yes, fifty) dollars for a little 10″ tall stick. A stick! Of course, you know they don’t like to be moved, and I moved mine at least a dozen times while I still lived at the other house. And then I moved it here when we moved here, and it was planted in a pot for awhile, then out front for awhile, and then finally, finally, put it in the spot it’s in now when I put the herb bed in a few years ago.

In all that time, it has (understandably) not bloomed. Some years it’s looked so pathetic, this stick with maybe one leaf on it, that I’ve thought I should just give up and toss it.

Well, good thing I didn’t, because look at it now! Those buds don’t seem like it, but they are HUGE, like 2 inches across! I can’t wait to see what they look like when they finally bloom.

Garden in Bloom: April 2014 via cottagemagpie.com

Garden in Bloom: April 2014 via cottagemagpie.com

But of course, we can’t forget one of my favorite Spring flowers, the tulip!! I have this planting box in the backyard (in the middle of the Shed Garden project), that definitely needs to go, and I’ve been trying to move the tulips out of it for ages, but this year it exploded in this pretty festival of peach, pink and yellow. One of my favorite color combinations!!! I had gotten a mixed bag because they were inexpensive, and had no idea these were all still in there. Lucky me.

Garden in Bloom: April 2014 via cottagemagpie.com

Garden in Bloom: April 2014 via cottagemagpie.com

Garden in Bloom: April 2014 via cottagemagpie.com

Garden in Bloom: April 2014 via cottagemagpie.com

Garden in Bloom: April 2014 via cottagemagpie.com

Garden in Bloom: April 2014 via cottagemagpie.com

What’s your favorite Spring flower?


4 responses to “April Blooms in the Pacific Northwest”

  1. Barbara H. Avatar
    Barbara H.

    How exciting to finally have a bloom from your tree peony. I finally have three peonies (1 of them a tree peony) in my garden and they have rewarded me with blooms. Unfortunately, no fragrance even though they are supposed to be fragrant. Oh, for the peonies of my memories that had the most wonderful fragrance – what a joy it would be have those in my garden.

    1. Barbara, mine definitely do smell fragrant, so maybe it’s a certain variety you need? Also, I notice they smell more in some years than others. I have no idea what that’s about. A couple of years ago I could smell them every time I went outside. This year I couldn’t smell them at all! The really fluffy pink ones I have are Sarah Bernhardt, and they are the ones I notice the fragrance of them the most, if that helps at all! 🙂 ~Angela~

  2. Barbara H. Avatar
    Barbara H.

    Yes, one of mine is Sarah Bernhardt, too, but no smell on that or the other one that the tag said was fragrant. Maybe they are too young? Interesting that yours didn’t smell this year. Ah, the mysteries of life in the garden.

    1. It is a mystery, isn’t it? My only theory was that it was rainier this year while they were blooming, whereas last year it was dry? That’s all I’ve got, though. ~Angela~

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