Cottage-Style Garden Shed Digital Makeover



Dear Angela: Can My Garden Shed Be Cottage-y? via

Dear Angela: Can My Garden Shed Be Cottage-y? via

Dear Angela: Can My Garden Shed Be Cottage-y? via

Dear Angela: Can My Garden Shed Be Cottage-y? via

Today’s “Dear Angela” letter comes from yours truly. I have been longing for summer and longing for my old English Cottage garden, and have been really struggling with how to make an impact this season since we have so much to do in the new garden. So I decided to ask myself how I might turn a neglected corner of my backyard into a cottage garden I can love. Here’s what I said:

Dear Angela,

I moved to a new home this summer, and I have set aside a back corner of the garden for a romantic cottage-style garden, but I am having trouble envisioning what I might do or how it might look. Especially with that ugly shed in the middle of it all.

I also have to put in a fence along the green hedge to keep the neighbors dog out. The dog is very polite and well-behaved, but he has a habit of using my lawn for his morning constitutional. A low fence should suffice, but I can’t picture how to put a fence with the arborvitae hedge there.

Here’s a picture of what it looks like now:

Dear Angela: Can My Garden Shed Be Cottage-y? via

Dear Angela: Can My Garden Shed Be Cottage-y? via

See what I mean?

Can you help me?



Dear Self,

I spent some time with your photo, and as you can see I got a little (a lot) carried away. But even though this plan is somewhere in the realm of fantasy, I still think that it will help spark some ideas to get you going in the practical realm.

Dear Angela: How Can I Make My Garden Shed More Cottage?via

Dear Angela: How Can I Make My Garden Shed More Cottage?via

I started with the shed, giving it a virtual fresh coat of paint, French doors and coach lamps, Next, I found myself wanting to add trees. And plantings. And a patio. And a pathway. I also included a picket fence to solve your dog problem. Since you don’t need a tall fence, this should work fine, and I like how the white pickets stand out against the dark green arborvitae. They also provide some additional structure for the blowsy cottage style perennials that I know you are looking for.

Dear Angela: Can My Garden Shed Be Cottage-y? via

Dear Angela: Can My Garden Shed Be Cottage-y? via

Dear Angela: Can My Garden Shed Be Cottage-y? via

Dear Angela: Can My Garden Shed Be Cottage-y? via

I hope this helps give you some ideas! And whatever else you decide to complete, I hope you include some lavender to line the path and clematis and roses to clamber over your shed. Beautiful and fragrant, they are a must have.

Dear Angela: Can My Garden Shed Be Cottage-y? via

Dear Angela: Can My Garden Shed Be Cottage-y? via

Let me know if you need more help! ๐Ÿ™‚



43 responses to “Cottage-Style Garden Shed Digital Makeover”

  1. Photoshop and gardening. What a combination. Gardens only limited by imagination. Unlimited by budget and you can make all the flowers bloom at the same time with no disease. If only it were so easy in real life…

  2. Oh Angela I love your ideas for the backyard! I am in the process of sprucing mine up or at least getting it ready to spruce up in the Spring. You have given me some good ideas. I love your before & afters you’re helping folks with. Keep it up!

  3. How did you do that? It’s amazing – technically and visually!

  4. I absolutely love it!!I can’t wait to get working on the outside of our house! I’ll definitely come to you for ideas. You’re fabulous!

  5. G morning Miss Magpie,first off, I am seeing the teeny tiny print under your last photo, stating 3:26 AM??? Girl get some sleep!!!sheesh..second- that is LOVELY! you certainly have a very imaginative and lovely brain in your head.You dont need any help, youve got it nailed.come see me, have a question posted and wonder what you think!Lisacoastal nest

  6. Now this is some inspiring photoshop work! You certainly give yourself great advice! ๐Ÿ™‚ Seriously, I’m inspired by these. I gradually, tiny bit by tiny bit work in my yard each spring. I’m hoping my ventures will eventually have a cumulative affect and one day it will suddenly all come together and be ‘done.’ Ha. ๐Ÿ™‚

  7. It is amazing how you do that! I am scrambling trying to find some photo to send you, but I think you and your photo shop could lead to me spending a lot of money :)!Lovely to see flowers in the middle of winter too!-Jennifer

  8. I am impressed, too! The ideas are beautiful. You make me want a shed in my garden!

  9. Wow, you are an amazing visionary!! It reminds me so much of my old neighbors cottage garden… I have a little pic you can look at. They transformed their garage into a very cottagey back house.

  10. You are brilliant!! I think I will definitely seek your advice when I go to figure out just how I am going to fit a playhouse and swingset in the remaining miniscule corner of my garden.What a great job you did on your own!!Lindaxoxo

  11. love it Angela! You should start tilling now!! He he!

  12. Wow, you are amazing! That is some impressive photoshop work! I love your ideas too! I love climbing roses. I’m thinking of buying an “Eden” climbing rose this year.

  13. The Feathered Nest (Manuela's) Avatar
    The Feathered Nest (Manuela’s)

    Very cool the way you do this! I put a climbing rose on my shed the problem has been trying to find an inexpensive way thats strong enough to support the rose both on the side and on the roof. I also have some yellow jasmine growing on it which is pretty because it’s evergreen – is that something you can plant in your zone?Manuela

  14. What fun! That would be a beautiful cottage look for your back garden. I envy you the Photoshopping software you have to play around with. And it’s generous of you to share it and your talent with your readers. I look forward to your next digital makeover.

  15. Hi Angela, fantastic makeover, love this photoshopping and love the result, the climbing rose adds such charm! We look forward to your weekly makeovers! Still trying to figure out the times diffrences!! LOL Will email soon ๐Ÿ™‚ Jenn and Jacqui

  16. This loks great. I’m impressed with the digital enhancement!Jen R

  17. Hi Angela. That computer picture of your plan is great! I like what you have planned for the space. It is going to look very charming. I noticed you have New Dawn roses rambling over the grey shed. I have that rose and it is great and will get very large quite quickly.Rhondi xo

  18. Amazing transformation. My yard and yours have a few things in common. Thanks for the inspiration and encouragement to use these blah winter days to dream, plan and envision what could be. Have to go – I have things to dream up! ~Adrienne~

  19. What a transformation! You’ve done an amazing job with Photoshop too. I’ve just discovered your blog and I’m so glad I did! I’ll be back to visit often. ~ Lynda

  20. Wowee, that looks great. What a great little place to hang out, even if it just a picture…for now. ๐Ÿ™‚ You should photoshop yourself in a chair with a friend and a cup of tea. ๐Ÿ™‚

  21. You are amazing!! I’d love to have this in my backyard!

  22. Angela, I think you did an outstanding job for Self. I’m sure she is very grateful. I will have to submit something for you to work on as well. You are such a generous gal!

  23. Hi Angela!WOW what a fantastic job you did I’m very impressed! You go girl! And I got my BEAUTIFUL pillows, and THANK YOU for the second one, now that was a treat for sure. I already put the red floral on my bench right by the front door. Dummy me left my camera at the office today, so I can’t post pictures until tomorrow – darn! Hope you’re having a nice evening.Rose

  24. What a beautiful blog! Thanks for sharing.Kindest regards,Darly

  25. Angela,I was sure I left you a comment on your brilliance this AM, but guess I was dreaming again. Anyway, great job on your garden, love the french doors in the shed, no less. Please stop by, I have something for you.Janet

  26. That’s a fabulous makeover, and now you’ve got to MAKE IT HAPPEN. What a great space that will be. And wow, whatever magic you’re working with pixels and files and stuff, it’s awesome. Can you tell I’m completely computer illiterate? By the way I still have to take a photo of my dazed and confused family room so you can help.- Suzanne

  27. Angela, How do you have time to blog and do all that you do? I have photoshop elements and was thinking of doing this to design some new beds in my front yard. When I first saw your pics I didn’t realize that they were digi. Where did you get the pics of the flowers ect. to design your space? Please tell. I want to do this so badly.Chris

  28. I am going to have to learn to live in photoshop! It’s a perfect world!Amazing creation. WONDERFUL!

  29. What an incredible job of digital enhancement! I might send you a project idea – if the rain here ever stops long enough to take some sort of picture.

  30. ya know, I think I’ll take you up on some idea for part of my back yard. I’ll hae to take some pictures (it is gray and rainy here right now–but I think I will try. I have an area where an old shed used to be , but we took it down long ago and we have a cement spot in our back yard. …need some ideas. My daughter does the photo shop stuff on her house to give her ideas too!! I’ll try to get some pics! Kim from nannykim

  31. yolanda elizabet Avatar
    yolanda elizabet

    Dear Angela, that looks lovely. I wish make-overs could go so quickly in real life too. ;-)Looking forward to the next digital make-over!Have a lovely weekend!

  32. Yowza, wowza. You’re a photoshopping design queen.This looks absolutely beautiful and I don’t think it loook beyond practical. I think it actually looks pretty doable. What a beautiful transformation. Just a pefect country setting.Angela, you have a fantastic eye!

  33. julie fink Avatar
    julie fink

    Absolutely amazing!

  34. Angela,Stop on over to pick up your award and also enter my giveaway.Janet

  35. Angela,Stop on over to see where I’ve put your beautiful pillows!Hugs,Rose

  36. julie fink Avatar
    julie fink

    Angela . . . I have been wondering . . . do you have a special program that you use to redesign spaces like you did for this post? If so, would you mind sharing your source with me? Thanks, Julie Fink

  37. I have a lot of catching up to do!! I love the transformation you’ve envisioned for that back corner. I also love that you are addressing yourself.New Dawn is such a wonderful climber!!

  38. okay that was awesome!that is true talent.-meg

  39. Michele Avatar

    I wish I could climb into the picture and live there!!! It’s stunning!! Love the climbing roses!!!

  40. love your directions for making covered pillows! Just exactly what i was looking for! after being forever on other sites yours is the best and all the ideas! keep up the good work! and i’m going out to buy new dawn rose for my backyard . Thanks

  41. […] (source)(source) I like cottage ones, romantic and somehow wild, with hidden spaces, tall grass, small flowers, vegetables, edibles plants and herbs here and there, with tiny paths and climbing vines, jasmine and roses…….Cottage gardens are gonna be my inspiration in building our garden. The same as Mediterranean ones…. […]

  42. Garden is beautiful!Please could you tell me what paint and colour was used for the shed..Thank you

    1. Thank you so much, Lisa! The shed color is Relaxed Khaki by Sherwin-Williams. Thanks for stopping by! ~Angela~

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