French Country Master Bedroom Digital Makeover



Dear Angela: Emily's Bedroom

Dear Angela: Emily’s Bedroom

Emilys Bedroom Before

Emilys Bedroom Before

Earlier today, a reader and bloggy friend Emily from Remodeling This Life, sent me an e-mail, asking for help with her bedroom. Of course, I have ideas. I have lots of ideas. I can’t promise that the ideas are good ideas, but there are plenty of them. So, I was rattling off these ideas in e-mail when it occurred to me that a picture might be better. And then it occurred to me that you all might be interested in seeing what I came up with and Emily might appreciate getting suggestions from people other than just me. So with Emily’s very kind permission, here’s how it all went: Emily’s bedroom, as it is now.

Emilys Bedroom After

Emilys Bedroom After

Dear Angela, I got the red and white toile bedding I wanted for Christmas, but I am having a total creative decorating block. I am actually thinking of attempting a big monogram above the bed like this. I’d never pay for it but I don’t see why I can’t attempt to do it myself. I’d love any suggestions as I really just don’t know what to do with my walls, lamps, valances, etc… to finish off the room. I think I’m just worn out and sluggish from the holidays and don’t have the energy for it right now. And remember, I’m frugal! ~Emily Emily’s bedroom, after Photoshop

Dear Emily, I LOVE your bedding! And I love your frugality. I think that your bedroom has such a beautiful color and nice bones that I think you just need some curtains and a few accessories to finish it off. First I would suggest centering your bed between the windows. I think the monogram is a fantastic idea–you could even do it with a $1.00 bottle of craft paint. If it doesn’t turn out, paint it out and get some cute plates at the thrift store. For curtains, I think a French-inspired ticking stripe. with a simple valance or soft roman shade is the trick, and I would hang them as high as you can get them. On the bed, I would add a couple of big cream or white euros and a red floral rectangular pillow in front. Maybe a matlasse spread folded across the bottom. Then, you just need some accessories on the side tables, all of which you could find at a thrift store. Maybe a short stack of books, a vintage clock or a bud vase with flowers or foliage from the yard. I’ve made a picture that kind of conveys what I mean (sans accessories). It’s rough, but it gives the idea. What do you think? Best,


30 responses to “French Country Master Bedroom Digital Makeover”

  1. Really??? I’d love help.Emily’s room is going to look gorgeous!

  2. I love what you did with this room, Angela. I particularly love the idea of finding some great red transferware plates to hang above the bed, maybe with a larger white ironstone platter in the middle! Lovely!

  3. Thank you so much Angela! It’s gorgeous! I can’t wait to get implementing your fabulous ideas!!

  4. Gorgeous results!! Really great ideas!! And boy do I need help with a shelf I have in the dining area—it is so frustrating me!!! There are two shelves (they are in my blog today) and I can’t seem to get it so it doesn’t look cluttered—I have even changed what is on it since I posted the blog this morning!! But my house is cottage-y with all these spindles inside and out and then this shelving!!!! I would love advice!!

  5. Boy, do I have questions! I have two rooms right off the top of my head I could whine about for hours! We’re just starting to talk about redoing our living room, but keep getting bogged down with what we want to do vs. what we can afford to do. As soon as I can get my act together and get some proper photos, I’ll post them on my blog and email them to you!

  6. This is fabulous! Great post!oxoxJennifer

  7. That is beautiful! So calm looking and so pretty!

  8. Great job, Angela. The only thing I would change would be the font of the monogram, maybe something a little more curvy or French.Have a great day,Janet

  9. Hi Angela Have you ever thought of trying out for that HGTV show The Next Design Star? You have so many ideas and you seem to come up with them pretty fast. You might be a ggod candidate for it. Hope you have a great day. I am priming the kitchen cabinets today. Rhondi

  10. The Feathered Nest (Manuela's) Avatar
    The Feathered Nest (Manuela’s)

    Looks wonderful to me! Love the big monogramm!Manuela

  11. You have wonderful, warm insight–this room looks great and really simply put together..but you are obviously talented enough to do it-I never could! Bravo!

  12. Carrie Mc W Avatar
    Carrie Mc W

    oh me next me next! My husband and I have so many pieces of furniture that clash- I collect Federal style while he is into Deco. So many discussions, never resolved…

  13. Great ideas for Emily’s room. I hope Emily will share pictures of her finished room.You have such a knack for the details. I’m trying to get through the end-of-the-holidays stuff and catching up after leaving some things undone so I can get back to work on our house re-do. I’ll be back often to see what you’re up to in your home or someone else’s. ~Adrienne~

  14. Wow! Arent you a good friend! I love the mongram and the ticking striped fabric.

  15. What a fun project! I love toile too & think your ideas look great, Angela. Another idea to add more fabric to the windows would be soft panels in a red/white check fabric. Both would work, just a matter of how much $$ to spend. Love those pillows & the monogram. I have really gotten into monograms this last year.Rhoda

  16. Hummm. I really like the idea of blog posts on makeovers. Do you only do cottage style?I few years ago my sister-in-law PAID a fancy decorated to “style” her bookshelves. Maybe you can offer some advice that one. I could use that kind of advice. Hey. Maybe I’ll send a photo of my shelves? Do you do shelves?–Robin (Bumblebee)

  17. This is an amazing post! Your ideas are wonderful and I can’t wait to see more posts like this! What a talent!!!! LOVE it!

  18. YOU are amazing! That’s why I have featured you today on Today’s Creative Blog!email me for your blinkie

  19. Penny @ Lavender Hill Studio Avatar
    Penny @ Lavender Hill Studio

    A wonderful job! Can’t wait to see Emily’s finished room!Penny

  20. What great ideas. I love the monogram and it would be so simple to do. I’ve got so many rooms that need to be re-imagined. Let me see which one is in the worst need.

  21. You don’t seem like a girl who needs more comments, but I guess that’s like telling someone they don’t need anymore love, right?! 🙂 Found you being featured on Today’s Creative Blog!–I think I’m the first one here, but be prepared for the effects! Wonderful site, wonderful ideas…I’ll be back soon!

  22. Avatar

    you nailed it! just a few of your touches and the room came alive! great job!

  23. What a cool thing! It’s like looking at a magazine, I love it. Glad to have found your blog, it’s a cuite and I’ve got ya bookmarked.c

  24. Avatar

    Angela,As a blogger myself, I know the time commitment to making and keeping up with such a nice blog – thank you for what you have here! I am so delighted to find your inspiring site (through Today’s creative Blog) and will be visiting often as we remodel the house we just bought. It’s only a trailer, but I have great hopes of making the best with what we have. Maybe I will send in pictures to you soon – I will need help with the bedroom and living room…

  25. Love it, Love it, Love it! I can’t wait to hear if Em does it! (I came over here from her blog)

  26. Love it! You gave Emily some great suggestions. I would love to see more of these, and trust me – if you want to help me out I would certainly appreciate it. I’ve been posting my problem areas on my blog.

  27. Rolande Duprey Avatar
    Rolande Duprey

    Dear Angela,Searching on the net for decoration ideas, I found your site.Just want to tell : bravo. I love it…Inside and outside are just lovely.If you feel like it, we can chat by mail.All the best to continue…Rolande

  28. Michele Avatar

    Love this idea!! I can’t wait to send you my room to see if you can help

  29. I have a 50s style ranch–red brick–flat frontwith white trim and black shutters. I need some inspiration for changing the outside. Paint colors. I have even considered painting the brick. Got any ideas?

  30. Hi Angela,I like your thrift store slogan & all you have done creatively.Please visit my website. I have a thrift store slogan too…if I win the lottery, I will go to more, not less thrift stores.Thanks so much. Keep up the cottage & garden life…monah

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