September Blooms in the Pacific Northwest



Fall Peony Foliage

Fall Peony Foliage

This month, I’m once again reminded of how maligned peonies are as a multi-season plant. Everyone loves peonies, but many dismiss them as a one-hit wonder. I couldn’t disagree more. Their green foliage provides a lovely counterpoint to other flowers through the summer, and their fall colors are drop-dead gorgeous. Case in point, the peony foliage in the photo above. Isn’t that pretty?



Blooming in September were several hydrangeas, including this beautiful blue mystery that was here when I bought the house. It’s huge and multi-crowned, so I’m going to divide it this fall and spread the hydrangea love.

Pee Gee Hydrangea

Pee Gee Hydrangea

My treasured Pee Gee standard (Hydrangea paniculata ‘Grandiflora’) also bloomed. I have it on the covered patio with all the other white flowers.

Achillea Cerise Queen Yarrow

Achillea Cerise Queen Yarrow

The achillea (Achillea millefolium ‘Cerise Queen’) that was blooming in July is still going. Maybe not “strong” — but still flowering, which I think is impressive.

Agastache Tutti Frutti

Agastache Tutti Frutti

The agastache impressed me too. This is the first year I’ve grown it and it just bloomed and bloomed and bloomed. I believe this one is a variety called “Tutti Frutti” (Agastache x ‘Tutti Frutti’).



These sunflowers (Helianthus annuus), one of many all over the garden, were a special treat because I didn’t plant them! They just popped up everywhere. I mean everywhere! But they’re fun and the color is great this time of year.

How about you? Did anything impress you in your garden in September?

This post is a part of theSeptember Garden Bloggers Bloom Day, sponsored each month byMay Dreams Gardens.


9 responses to “September Blooms in the Pacific Northwest”

  1. Our sunflowers were huge too, but the squirrels found them really quickly! My big garden surpise is I finally have lemons on my 5 year old lemon tree!

  2. Sorry, that last comment was me!

  3. you ve really got it going on over at your house!Love all the fall color, All I have right now is mushy plants left to go to the compost bin.nice, really nice!Lisacoastal nest

  4. Lovely photos Angela! It seems to be a lot of flowers in your new garden… I love hydrangeas!!! I have a little give-away at Annalunda to celebrate 100 posts… welcome!Hugs Annie

  5. Beautiful September, Angela. You’ll be caught up by next month.~~Dee

  6. Ambrea Hanson Avatar
    Ambrea Hanson

    Hi Angela! Your plants are prettier with every post! How about a hydrangea giveaway contest! They are so pretty!Ambrea

  7. I so love puffy, blue hydrangeas!!Elise

  8. Very pretty…love the colors. I miss those colors from the Williamette Valley. cherry

  9. Just wanted to drop by and say how much I love getting your What’s Blooming posts in my RSS feed. 🙂

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